Postpartum Symptoms and How to Handle Them
Pregnancy does wacky things to your body. Your hips spread, your stomach splits and swells, you gain weight, you stretch in other places, and if you’re one of the lucky ones, you get stretch marks, varicose veins and swollen feet and hands. Your body is doing everything it can to accommodate the little one or ones growing inside you.
Not to mention the outward changes, your hormones also go every which way, you lose your mind, you lose sleep, your tastes and preferences change, you’re puking all the time and you have absolutely no control over your emotions. And then if you’re breastfeeding, you don’t even get your body back to yourself until you decide enough is enough.
I know I make pregnancy sound amazing, but although it’s hard, it really is truly miraculous. At some point after 38 weeks or so, you get to hold this incredible, wonderfully cute creature, that loves you more than anyone else in the world, in your arms. There is absolutely nothing that can replace the miracle of having your own children.
However, after finally giving birth, you are ready to look and feel like yourself again. And to every mom’s disappointment, that doesn’t happen for a little while. Like the common saying, “it took 9 months to get to that point, it’s going to take at least that long to get back.” Don’t you hate hearing that? And moms with multiple kids get you hear it again and again.
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So what can we really do about all the crazy postpartum symptoms that come from carrying a baby for almost a year? Is it possible to get back to normal within some kind of reasonable time frame? Absolutely! Though I can’t promise much on the sleep and pregnancy brain horizon, I do have some suggestions for everything else.
Wide hips
I’m sure you’ve read, or at least been told by your doctor, that during pregnancy, everything gets looser. A hormone called relaxin purposely softens all of your joints and ligaments so that your rib cage can spread to allow room for the growing baby inside of you, and your hips bones can spread to give the baby room to exit during labor.
So many sources suggest using some kind of binding on your hips shortly after pregnancy, such as Shrinkx Hips, to pull everything back into place while the relaxin hormone is still in your body. However, if having your body bound for up to three months after giving birth doesn’t appeal to you, or you simply don’t have the resources to get ahold of one, don’t stress.
This is a perfectly normal process and your hips will likely return to their normal positioning, or close, with a few tricks. First of all, watch your diet. Losing the weight you gained during pregnancy is one of the best ways to get your pre-pregnancy size back. Lay off the junk foods and snacks. Fill your diet with lots of healthy fruits and vegetables, sufficient protein, and whole grains, along with enough water to refuel your body. (The suggested amount is at least 10-8oz glasses.)
There are also many great exercises that you could do to help your body get back in shape, but simply walking around the block after dinner each night is enough. Carrying around your new little one will be plenty of exercise, and if you have more than one, you’ll have plenty of exercise in the future.
Flabby stomach
This may be one of the most surprising symptoms for first time moms. After you have your baby, you are supposed to lose approximately 10-15lbs immediately that can be attributed to the baby, the placenta and the extra fluids you were carrying for the baby. However, you still look about 6 months pregnant the next day.
Don’t be alarmed, your stomach will return to normal in time. Your uterus is still trying to shrink from being big enough to carry your child inside you, and your ribs and all of your organs still need to slowly return to their original position. There are a few things you can do to speed the process along.
The most important thing you can do is to drink enough water. I know I already said this, but water is what fuels your body and allows it to take care of all of your functions. Water also flushes out any toxins from your body and brings it back to balance (Being the Parent).
Once again, it’s critical that you are eating a well-balanced diet. If you are eating junk food and not eating what you need, in the right portions, to lose weight, you will make this process last even longer. Fruit, vegetables, whole grains and a protein source are necessary.
And, if you’re so inclined, doing the right exercises can also help you to lose weight and tone your middle so you can return to normal faster.
Other than the widely documented “baby brain” that everyone talks about, there is a real reason why you seem to have lost your mind. Just hormones and sleep deprivation all on their own can be the cause of your forgetfulness.
Consider everywhere your mind is going right now. You have a small, fragile, helpless infant that needs you every second of the day and takes up most of your energy and brain power. Then you are trying to take care of yourself, possibly one or more other children, and don’t even think about the house. It’s no wonder you have nothing left for some of the more basic things in your life (Today).
Don’t worry about chores, playdates, taking care of friends and family right now. Those things will come later when you’ve gotten through this critical period of yours and your newborn’s lives. You have enough to worry about. Make sure you’re getting a healthy diet, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Do what you can to get as much rest and relaxation for yourself as possible, and find ways to cope. Maybe you can make lists on your phone or on the counter for groceries, things that need to be done, etc. so you don’t have to try and remember.
And know that this won’t last forever.
Related Links:
Normalizing Breastfeeding
Building Your Child’s Vocabulary
Development and Activities for Your Baby from Birth through 6 Months
- withdrawal from friends or family
- feelings of wanting to hurt yourself or the baby
- loss of appetite
Hair Loss
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