10 Great Naturally Soothing Bath Recipes

With these 10 great, naturally soothing bath recipes, you'll want to immediately go curl up in a nice hot bath. Try the Epsom salt and olive oil one first! Bath your way to a calm, relaxed state and sleep like a baby tonight.

At the end of a long day, you’re likely tired, your muscles are sore, and you need something to help you fall into a nice, deep, relaxing sleep so you’re ready to do it all again tomorrow. For me, that might be a nice hot cup of tea or some time with a really good book. However, one thing that I know would really help me to relax, and would help with all of my other issues, would be a nice hot bath. If I can convince my husband to give me some time alone without the kids, and can convince my kids to stay downstairs with their dad for a little while, there are tons of great natural ingredients that I can find right in my kitchen to create just the luxury and healing that I’m looking for.

There’s no need to purchase expensive bath bombs, bath salts or other products, and you don’t even need to spend your time and money making creative bath remedies, unless you really want to. You’ll see that with a few simple ingredients that you can take straight out of your pantry and pour into your bath tub, you can have the healing and relaxation you’d expect to get from even the priciest bath products.

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Hot baths are great for helping your body flush out all of the impurities it has collected from the day through pollution, toxins in the air from perfumes and cleaning products, and even the chemicals in your food, by allowing it to sweat them out and wash them away. It is recommended that you stay in the bath for about 40 minutes to an hour for the best results. The first 20 minutes will give your body time to remove toxins from your system while the last 20 to 40 minutes will allow you to absorb the minerals in the water and help you emerge from the bath feeling rejuvenated. Make sure to use hot water — it’ll help you sweat out impurities.

With these 10 great, naturally soothing bath recipes, you'll want to immediately go curl up in a nice hot bath. Try the Epsom salt and olive oil one first! Bath your way to a calm, relaxed state and sleep like a baby tonight.
Photo by Tania Fernandez on Unsplash

Oatmeal and Honey

Oatmeal is one of the best products for your bath, as it contains both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As such, it is ideal for sensitive skin and to treat a variety of skin disorders, like sunburns, eczema and even poison ivy. The use of oats in skincare has been documented as far back as 2000 BC, and oatmeal is one of the few natural ingredients to receive recognition from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It has so many wonderful benefits. Give your body a treat and try this recipe.


  • 2 cups uncooked old-fashioned oats
  • 2 tablespoons raw, unfiltered honey


  1. Pour your oats and honey into a bowl of boiling water.
  2. Let them stand in hot water and honey for five minutes before adding them under running water to your tub.

Honey and Baking Soda

Honey, raw and unfiltered, is another one of the big shots when it comes to the health of your skin. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey heal the skin, making it healthy and immune to skin irritation. However much of the honey you purchase from the grocery store is mostly corn syrup and water. Make sure to buy local and that the bottle says raw and unfiltered. Adding a bit of baking soda to the end of a warm bath will help detoxify your body. Although it is important to pat the skin dry and moisturize immediately after your bath.


  • 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered honey
  • 4 tablespoons natural baking soda


  1. Add your raw honey to a running bath.
  2. Soak for at least 40 minutes.
  3. Then add baking soda for your final 15 minutes.
With these 10 great, naturally soothing bath recipes, you'll want to immediately go curl up in a nice hot bath. Try the Epsom salt and olive oil one first! Bath your way to a calm, relaxed state and sleep like a baby tonight.
Photo by Roberta Sorge on Unsplash

Coconut Oil and Sugar

Coconut oil is used in many natural beauty products, and for good reason: It’s naturally antibacterial and antifungal, coconut oil for skin is an excellent moisturizer, it can penetrate hair better than other oils, and, well, it smells like cookies.


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar


  1. Add your coconut oil and honey straight into a bath tub full of hot water.
  2. Stir around to dissolve.

Epsom Salt and Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil has long been lauded for its health benefits. It’s high in vitamin E, which, when applied topically, has been shown to aid in preventing skin cancer, treating wounds and burns, and increasing collagen in the skin, leading to greater elasticity and reducing the appearance of dark under-eye circles. Epsom salt is ideal for helping to relieve sore muscles and fight inflammation in your body because of its high magnesium and sulfate contents. This a bath combination that can’t be beat.


  • 2 cups of Epsom salt
  • 1/2 cup olive oil


  1. Pour your Epsom salt and olive oil into hot water.
  2. Mix around for about five minutes before you hop in and soak.
With these 10 great, naturally soothing bath recipes, you'll want to immediately go curl up in a nice hot bath. Try the Epsom salt and olive oil one first! Bath your way to a calm, relaxed state and sleep like a baby tonight.
Photo by Mariana Medvedeva on Unsplash

Baking Soda

A baking soda bath can be beneficial for healing many skin conditions, including yeast infections, fungal infections, eczema, psoriasis, poison oak, poison ivy, UTIs, diaper rash, chicken pox, constipation, hemorrhoids, and other irritations down below. It is also great for moisturizing dry, itchy skin and detoxifying your body from the outside in.


  • 5 tablespoons natural baking soda


  1. Add your baking soda in with a warm bath.
  2. Allow it to dissolve before getting in.

Milk and Honey

The combination of honey and milk has been used from ancient times to treat skin problems and nourish the skin. Out of the many ingredients from the kitchen, honey and milk are the most used in a beauty regime. The protein and fat content in the milk enriches your bath water and helps exfoliate the skin. The lactic acid present in the milk cleans the dead cells and hydrates the skin, thereby preventing dryness. Honey, on the other hand, is naturally antibacterial, so it’s great for acne treatment and prevention. It’s full of antioxidants, so it is great for slowing down aging, and it is extremely moisturizing and soothing, so it helps create a glow in your skin.


  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1/2 cup honey


  1. Pour your milk and honey directly under your hot running water, and enjoy.
With these 10 great, naturally soothing bath recipes, you'll want to immediately go curl up in a nice hot bath. Try the Epsom salt and olive oil one first! Bath your way to a calm, relaxed state and sleep like a baby tonight.
Photo by Marisa Harris on Unsplash


The polyphenols found in champagne help reduce inflammation and skin redness, while the tartaric acid evens out tone. Those with oily or acne-prone complexions in particular will see the most results, as the high concentration of antioxidants help to soak up excess oil and sebum clogging the pores.


  • 1 glass of champagne (or red wine)


  1. Pour a glass (or more) of red wine or champagne into your running bath and enjoy.

Dried Herbs

Herbs have been a well-known therapeutic treatment for baths for a very long time. Each herb has its own properties and benefits for your skin, your health, and your emotional and mental well-being. Herbs are used for a variety of skin conditions, maladies and treatments, including postpartum healing. Check out some of the herbs below and create your own combinations.

Sage: Uplifting, calming and astringent – GREAT for people with oily skin or back acne
Rosemary: Relaxing and great for alertness, also astringent and clarifying
Peppermint: Energizing (or relaxing) and clarifying
Chamomile: Extremely relaxing and calming – perfect for dry or irritated skin
Green Tea: Energizing and mood stabilizing – also antioxidant, antiaging, and very healing for any skin type


  • 2 tablespoons total of your choice of loose herbs
    2 cups boiling water


  1. Brew 1-2 cups of very strong herbal tea.
  2. Strain and add it to your running bathwater.
  3. Then, take the remaining brewed herbs and place them in the middle of a washcloth.
  4. Gather the washcloth together at the top and tie tightly with a string or a hair tie.
  5. Leave it in the bath as you soak.
  6. Then scrub well with it before getting out of the tub.
With these 10 great, naturally soothing bath recipes, you'll want to immediately go curl up in a nice hot bath. Try the Epsom salt and olive oil one first! Bath your way to a calm, relaxed state and sleep like a baby tonight.
Photo by Miroslava on Unsplash

Vanilla Extract and Sweet Almond Oil

Almond oil is light in texture, and can easily penetrate deep into the skin, softening and dislodging the dirt and debris accumulated in the skin pores and hair follicles. This prevents blackheads and acne. Thanks to the Vitamin A content in the oil, it may even help reduce acne flare-ups. If that’s not enough, vanilla is an antibacterial, antioxidant and is a good source of B-vitamins like niacin, thiamin, Vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid which play an important role in the maintenance of healthy skin. In fact, the properties of vanilla protect your skin from damage caused by environmental pollutants and toxins.


  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup sweet almond oil


  1. Add your almond oil and vanilla extract straight into your hot tub of water.
  2. Stir to disperse evenly.

Epsom Salt, Lemon, and Ginger

We already know the benefits of using Epsom salt in your bath but did you know that since ginger is a vasodilator, a ginger bath produces a thermogenic effect (i.e. causes a slight increase in temperature) on your body. It eliminates toxins that may prevent any blood flow disruption.

Not only does ginger help with indigestion and nausea, it also promotes regular digestion and helps alleviate bacterial infections. The acidity of the citrus in your bath will help remove dead skin cells and bacteria from the top layer of your skin, while providing a healthy dose of antioxidants — this helps your skin look and feel healthier, longer. Plus, the heaping dose of Vitamin C boosts collagen production.


  • 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salt
  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger (fresh or dried)


  1. Add your ingredients straight into a tub full of hot water.

Now you know many of the extra benefits of taking a nice long, hot bath, besides just getting some peace and quiet all to yourself for an hour, which certainly can’t be discounted. Even better, you can see just how easy it is to whip up an amazing bath recipe or two simply using the ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen.

It doesn’t get any easier than that. Well… if you’re a mom to little ones like I am, you might have to find some time to eek out for yourself for this luxurious bath. While you’re at it, have yourself a nice steamy cup of hot herbal tea and a good book as well. Time to yourself doesn’t come often. You might as well take advantage of it.

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With these 10 great, naturally soothing bath recipes, you'll want to immediately go curl up in a nice hot bath. Try the Epsom salt and olive oil one first! Bath your way to a calm, relaxed state and sleep like a baby tonight.


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