Unique and Interesting Halloween Party Foods for Your Party
There are the traditional witch’s fingers, mummy dogs, and strawberry ghosts, but if you want to really go out and have a unique Halloween party, or you have a tough crowd to please, you’ll need some Halloween treats that aren’t just for everybody.
The holidays are stressful enough without having to worry about planning a party, cleaning and cooking, but what’s one or two fun afternoons cooking up treats that would delight the Addam’s Family when you one have one day a year to do so.
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Food at Halloween parties shouldn’t be boring. After all, this isn’t your fifth birthday party and isn’t just a backyard bbq. This is a party that will put you down in history as the one that should throw all of the theme parties, or the house where no party should ever be held again. You want people over at your house!
Consider one or all of these unique treats for your big bash, and you’ll amaze and delight all of your guests.
I should give you a head’s up that several of these items require you to order or purchase a specific cooking item and may take a day or two to create.
You’ll want to give yourself plenty of time to order the right tins and baking pans, and to prepare, cook, and refrigerate your items before the big party. The secret to success is going to be good planning, or some creative substitutions.
If you can pop something in the oven while you are making other items, or even while you are tackling cleaning another area of your house, your time will be well spent. Anything you can do a few days before the party will help you even more. Good luck and have fun!
This first treat is my absolute favorite!
Stuffed Pizza Skulls
Wilton’s 3-D Mini Skull Pan
- My Quick and Easy Pizza Crust
- 1/2 to 3/4 cup of my Homemade Tomato Sauce
- 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
- Your chosen pizza toppings
- Egg wash (1 egg mixed with 1 teaspoon water)
- Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F and prepare your pizza skull pan by greasing it with some coconut oil.
- Roll out and cut pieces of pizza dough just big enough to cover the inside of each skull and wrap all the way up and over the top to seal it all together. You quickly get an idea of how big this is. You can’t really mess this up.
- Press your dough lightly down inside each skull, on at a time, and fill them each with 1/4 of your pizza toppings.
- Wrap your remaining dough over the top, pinch together the seams using egg wash to seal them, and cut off any extra dough.
- Brush egg wash over the backside of your skulls again just to make sure the seams are really well sealed.
- Refrigerate for 30 minutes before baking for 18-20 minutes (until the crust looks cooked through and golden brown).
Mummy Spinach Dip
- My Quick and Easy Pizza Crust
- 1 egg
- 2 sticks Mozzarella string cheese
- 2 black olive slices
- 1 cup sour cream
- 1/4 cup Ranch dressing
- 3 cups fresh spinach, chopped
- 1 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
- 1 bunch of green onions, chopped
- 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
- Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F and prepare a baking sheet by covering it in parchment paper.
- Make your pizza dough according to the attached recipe, and then roll it into a big round oval and place it on your baking sheet.
- You’ll want to give it time to rise before baking it, but first make an indent in the dough for the neck of your mummy (forming a head and body shape).
- Now let it rise for about 15-20 minutes.
- Before popping your bread in the oven, brush it with your egg to give it a good hard, golden brown exterior.
- Bake it for about 20 minutes until it sounds hollow when you tap on it.
- In the meantime, separate out your string cheese into about 16 long, thick pieces.
- When your dough is done, wrap your string cheese pieces across the top at different angles to simulate a mummy’s wrappings. Pop the dough back in the oven for a minute or 2 until the cheese is melted.
- Press your olive slice eyes in place while you let it cool completely.
- Now for the spinach dip. If you’d prefer, feel free to fill with any other dip you’d like, like my Famous Pizza Dip.
- To make the spinach dip, mix your sour cream and Ranch dressing together until well mixed, and then add in your chopped spinach, shredded cheese, chopped green onions, and Parmesan cheese.
- Place this in the refrigerator until the party starts. In the meantime, we need to make your bread bowl.
- To do this, cut a nice big hole in the top of your mummy’s body and, based on the amount of spinach dip you’ve made, scoop out enough bread for the spinach dip to fill it. Make sure that you hold on to the top of the bread though.
- Just before it’s time for people to arrive, pour your spinach dip into your mummy and replace the bread top just off center so it looks like his guts are pouring out.
Related Recipes:
Delicious Cookie Recipes Perfect for the Fall Season
Cinnamon Apple Spice Cake with Caramel Apple Frosting
Hot Caramel Apple Cider Recipe
Jack O’ Salads
- 6-8 large oranges (1 orange = 1 salad)
- 1 bag mixed baby greens
- 1 cup pecans
- 1 bottle of Italian dressing
- The first part of this project is to peel the fruit of the orange away from each of the oranges without tearing the skin and destroying your orange o’ lanterns.
- To do this I cut off the top of each orange and used a knife to slice around the inside of the orange about a third of the way down. I scooped that out and placed into a bowl, and then basically peeled the rest of the orange out of the inside, so that I was left with a perfectly intact orange peel.
- Delicately, with my finger and a dull knife, I carved different faces into each of my orange peels to have a variety of different pumpkins for my salads.
- On the side, chop up the orange fruit you pulled out of your orange peels into small pieces. Mix them with your nuts, baby greens, and Italian dressing, and then stuff your salad into each of your orange peels for precious individual salads for your guests.
Olive Spiders
- 1 small jar of capers
- 1 jar of mixed color large olives
- Dried rosemary needles
- This one is so simple but takes a lot of time and patience. Each olive will need a caper in the top for a head, held in place by a dried rosemary needle, and eight rosemary needle legs around the outside.
- You should be able to simply pierce the flesh of your olives with your rosemary needles. If for some reason you are not able to pierce the flesh, make four small holes on each side with the tip of a small sharp knife so that the needles will slide right in.
- Make tons of them because they are addictive. And don’t be surprised if this is one of the first items to disappear on your table.
Severed Meatloaf Hand
hand gelatin mold
- My Brown Sugar Meatloaf recipe
- 2 slices of provolone cheese
- 1/2 cup ketchup
- 1 small yellow onion
- homemade mashed potatoes
- In order to accomplish this magnificent feat, you will need at least one hand gelatin mold.
- Make the meatloaf recipe as outlined, except instead of putting it into a loaf pan, you’ll be packing it into your hand mold and then cooking it raised off of your cookie sheet (we just put a grate on top to keep it out of the grease).
- At this point your hand needs nails and a wrist bone. To do this, you will want to pull off the outside layer of your onion. Cut it into little pieces, big enough for nails, and press them lightly into the fingers of your meatloaf hand. Then pull layers off down to the center smaller layers of the onion. You will press this entire ball of onion into the wrist of your hand. It will push out a tad during cooking.
- Cover your entire meatloaf hand in ketchup and then lay out pieces of your provolone cheese on top. Provolone doesn’t melt and slip off like other cheeses, but will stay in place, brown and crisp like you want it to.
- Bake like normal, and then place it into the center of a casserole dish.
- Now it’s time for the mashed potatoes. You’ll want to evenly spread your potatoes across the whole casserole dish, around your meatloaf hand, and in between the fingers to better define the hand in your dish. If done right, it should look like the picture above and be almost too creepy to eat.
Jello Blood Worms
- 1 package (6oz) red colored jello (raspberry, strawberry and cherry work well)
- 3 envelopes unflavored gelatin
- 3 cups boiling water
- 1 cup whipped cream
- 1 small bottle of green food coloring
- 1 package of extra long bendable straws
- 1 tall thin container to hold all of your straws (a vase or orange juice carton works well)
- wax paper
- This recipe breaks all the rules, but doesn’t it look cool?! I like to use bendable straws to make my worms because the ridges make the worms look real.
- Start by bundling all of your straws together with a rubber band and stuff them into your tall, thin container to be ready for your jello mixture (bendable part down and you want it to be tight).
- In a large bowl, mix your red jello and 3 envelopes of unflavored gelatin together, and then add the boiling water.
- Stir until everything is completely dissolved and then let it sit to cool off for about 15 minutes. You want it to be warm, but not hot.
- When your jello mixture has cooled, mix in the whipped cream. It doesn’t even have to be mixed completely.
- Then very carefully pour the mixture over the top of the straws into your container. This will only work truly well if your straws are bound really tight, and the straws are flush with the bottom of your container.
- Place the container in the fridge overnight to set it up really well.
- The next morning, you’ll want to pull your bunch of straws from their container and lay them out on the counter (on a towel).
- Line a baking sheet with wax paper to catch all of your worms as you squeeze them out. One or two straws at a time, you’ll want to run them under warm water in the sink and then, holding one end, squeeze the worms out of the other end like toothpaste, squeezing all the way down, straight onto the wax paper.
- Do this with all of your “worms” and then chill them in the refrigerator until the party starts. From there you’ll want to transfer them to a bowl or serving dish of some kind.
Shrunken Head Cider
- 8 Granny Smith apples
- 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon pink Himalayan salt
- 1 gallon of organic apple cider
- 1/3 cup coconut sugar
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 8 whole allspice
- 6 cardamom pods
- 1 orange
- 1 small container of cloves
- pinch of nutmeg
- a small knife with a sharp point
- small melon baller
- Many people make this item in different ways, but I like to start by making my shrunken apple heads.
- Preheat your oven to 250 degrees F and prepare a baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper. Put your lemon juice and salt in a small bowl and set aside.
- Peel each of your apples and cut each in half through the top.
- Use your melon baller to remove the seeds and the core and then use your small knife and melon baller to carve different faces into of the rounded sides of your apple halves.
- After you have carved each face, dip it into your lemon and salt mixture and set it on your baking sheet. Repeat with all of your apple halves.
- When you have finished with all of your apple faces, slide them into the oven for about 2 hours.
- Now it’s time to make your apple cider. In a large pot over medium heat, combine your gallon of apple cider, coconut sugar, cinnamon, allspice, cardamom, nutmeg, and your orange roughly chopped.
- Bring everything to a boil, and then reduce the heat to low. Simmer your cider for about 30 minutes.
- When this is finished cooking, you’ll want to strain out all of the chunky ingredients, as no one will want to find one of these in their cider cup.
- When you’re ready to serve your cider to everyone, stick one whole clove in each eye socket of each of your faces and dump the whole thing in a large punch bowl. Make sure your shrunken apple faces are “face” up.

In a previous article, I offered recipes for extremely Fun, Quick, and Easy Halloween Party Foods for my readers. They were fun definitely, but were on the easy side for more novice Halloween creators.
So I attempted to offer some more complicated, unique and exciting Halloween treats this time that will take a few more ingredients, a little more time, and a little more effort on your part. You will definitely want to have an extra couple of hands to have all of this ready for your party on time.
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For more ideas on fun treats to make for your family this fall season, check out my articles on Scrumptious Desserts Perfect for the Fall Season. Enjoy!
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