Pregnancy and Your Fertility

I have had cervical cancer, struggled to get pregnant for years before succeeding, suffered six miscarriages, carried and given birth to three children and lost one, had two home births and one hospital birth, and still plan on having a couple more, and I turned 38 this year.

Understanding your fertility… what’s really happening inside every cycle, why you are cramping so badly during periods, how long you have to wait to get pregnant and even how to get pregnant… shouldn’t be so complicated.

Hopefully I can help to answer your pressing questions about some of these sensitive topics as my collection of articles expands. At any time, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at

This page is full of helpful articles to walk you through getting pregnant and every stage of your pregnancy. Not interested in pregnancy? There are plenty of great articles for you as well on your fertility and periods.
Ken Hudson CC BY-ND 2.0


This page is full of helpful articles to walk you through getting pregnant and every stage of your pregnancy. Not interested in pregnancy? There are plenty of great articles for you as well on your fertility and periods.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility


This page is full of helpful articles to walk you through getting pregnant and every stage of your pregnancy. Not interested in pregnancy? There are plenty of great articles for you as well on your fertility and periods.
Ernesto Andrade CC BY-ND 2.0



1st Trimester

2nd Trimester

3rd Trimester

Labor and Delivery

Photo by Luma Pimentel on Unsplash
